2 min readJun 9, 2022

Manifestation is all the rage at the moment. Pretty much everywhere you turn, someone will be talking about it. It has become somewhat of a movement. And the laws of manifestation are that to get everything you want out of life, you need to attract it. There are many ways to manifest, it seems. And here, I provide some of the tips I have collated.

Always Stay Positive

Staying positive is something which, according to the laws of manifestation, is easy to do. All you need to do is to maintain a positive frame of mind. And what better way to do that than to be optimistic. So, one way to stay positive and maintain an upward spiral is to not let situations get to you and always see the glass as half full. This can be hard to do. But according to manifestation, we are all masters of our universe.

Say it Like its Already Done

You know how you can speak things into existence? This is that. In saying things like they are already done, you basically say what you want. And you don’t say it like it’s a thing that has yet to come. Rather, you speak as though you already have it. For example, “I am a billionaire.”

Let your Thoughts Flow

Some information I came across is that you should not spend any time thinking about anything opposite to what you want. It’s funny how by virtue of saying this, you already may be thinking of the things which are opposite to what you want. But, manifestation says you need to repel negative thinking so you can attract only that which you think of. However, my advice here is to let things flow. Sometimes, you actually push things farther away the more you want them. So, even though the tips say, push out these negative thoughts, my thinking is that you shouldn’t force things. Que Sera Sera.

Meditate on what you Want

To get things done, you need to channel your thoughts a certain way. Some things take focus. And in light of this, you ought to meditate on the things you want. Keep them in your mind and that way, you will be more inclined to work towards attaining them. Some things aren’t a matter of conjuring up fantastical desires. Sometimes, it is a gradual process to getting your desires. And it takes you making the right decisions to arrive at that final destination.


This isn’t one of the tips which I came across. This is just my personal one. And it is the ultimate one, if you ask me. There have been times in my life where I could not have navigated out of trouble had it not been for prayer. Therefore, I highly recommend this one.

